|    |  +371 202 843 90   |   "Zalinieki", Vecumnieku pag., Bauskas nov., LV3933, Latvia
  |    |  +371 202 843 90   |   "Zalinieki", Vecumnieku pag., Bauskas nov., LV3933, Latvia

Rising prices ahead

Dear customers!

We would like to inform that there will be new, higher prices for almost all our kits. So if you plan to purchase something – NOW IS THE BEST TIME to do it! Prices will change while we shall stock new photo-etched parts. Explanation of what is going on here – below.

Currently we are in process of changing photo-etched parts’ supplier. Our business partner for last 7 years, who was based in Rīga, Latvia, decided to close his business in November.

We have no idea on how many percents we shall rise our prices, but we 100% sure that we can’t keep old prices. At least because there was no shipping cost of PE-parts before; I visited our supplier by my car.

Also we expect delays with 8×8 chassis for German construction truck.